Celebrating 60 years of Indian Independence.....
There was awe-inspiring response for UK Matter from the Worldwide Beloved members of my blog. I thank the sponsors Gmail for providing support in publishing UK Matter through Gmail and receiving responses through them.
Here are those snapshots of Dhoom 3.....
Pratheep :
M**********, I will get you when I come to CBE.....
Reju :
did the stone what i threw from my city hit u?????
Abirami :
tall liar...even then i will kill you
[ nandu was in france, you can reach his profile through my orkut friends list. He will appear like hero of Die Hard 4 ]:
I am coming...coming...coming to India soon.
[UK Matter, takes pride in making provision for nandu to take a break from his office and meet his parents in India.Actually for his switzerland new job visa procedure, he made a visit to India this august, and along with that settled some friendly exchanges for UK Matter personally with
me, his friend ].
Thirumalai :
Remained Silent. Personally called me a day. I understood. he has released Jadhaani, suspect in Deepavali Oosi Vedi case. He said, Jadhaaani will meet me soon for round table conference.
Kaaliyur Narayanan
[ Famous Astrologer usually presenting his astrology programme in Jaya T.V. morning Time ] :
Ah Dhanda_nakkaa Dhandanakkaa ( Musical instrument sound)
Madurai appu
vaika poerein Ahppu
Ah Dhanda_nakkaa Dhanda_nakkaa ( Musical instrument sound)
Before jadhaani, personally meets u. Wear a ring in your sixth finger in right hand, else tring tring from Jadhaani will come.
[Seems film actor T.Rajendran is his friend. But where can i go for my sixth finger. Oh!! Oh!! five fingers of mine and he is referring sixth finger as Jadhani and put ring in his hand to escape. ]
Editorial Section:
Message from Editor-Dubakoor.com in sachin tendulkar soft voice tone:
Dont bring any aruvaaa( spear ) with you. Aayutha pooja is comin up, so weapons should be kept for worship.
You see, Sanjay Dutt, for religious unity, unusally he decided to celebrate Deepavali and purchased a AK 47. Now he is an accused and under custody.
some small kids would have played with you telling UK matter. Leave them free, they are followers of Abdul Kalaam, with vision 2020 and Indian Penal Code 420.
Vote Of Thanks...
Welcome To...
I know him
"A person may make u realise how wonderful the world is, but it's a friend...who makes u realise how wonderful u r in the world "